Aims & Values
New Foundations is a value driven organisation and as such we:
Provide quality housing that is appropriate to the individual needs of our tenants.
Carry out repairs & maintenance promptly and to a high standard.
Provide a housing management service that is sensitive to the circumstances, needs and preferences of our tenants.
Involve our tenants in decisions that affect their accommodation.
Develop ways of informing and consulting tenants that are accessible.
Adopt a partnership approach in our relationships with tenants, family members, appointees & advocates as well as with the organisations commissioning and providing support to tenants.
New Foundations believes that:
Our tenants have the right to live as independently as possible in their own homes.
The tenancy rights conveyed to our customers must be fully respected at all times.
People who live in supported accommodation are entitled to the same security of tenure as anyone else.
Our tenants should be supported in exercising choice and expressing their preferences.
The Association should actively promote equal opportunities in all our dealings with customers and partners.